Committees and Organizations
Human Rights Committee
The Human Rights Committee provides advocacy, training, and support to local unions on issues relating to human rights, civil rights, and all matters of discrimination in the workplace.
Safety Committee
UWUA’s Safety Committee advocates for all members working in the utility sector. Committee members, led by Safety Director John “Scotty” MacNeill, convene regularly to discuss ways to raise awareness of best safety practices, share ideas for how to prevent workplace injury and illness, and offer support to locals that want to improve and take ownership for their own on-the-job safety.
Veterans Committee
The UWUA counts many veterans among its membership and we work hard to respond to the unique needs of this population. This committee works to recruit veterans into utility sector careers and also advocates for causes our veteran members feel passionately about.
Women’s Caucus
UWUA’s Women’s Caucus launched after UWUA’s 2015 constitutional convention with the goal of better representing and elevating women’s voices across the union. The Women’s Caucus is committed to helping locals establish their own Women’s Committees as well as helping women members build their leadership skills.
Young Workers Initiative Committee
The Young Workers Initiative Committee consists of 10-15 members under 35 who serve for four years and conduct outreach and educational efforts targeted at prospective and younger members of the workforce.
Union Sportsmen Alliance (USA)
The UWUA is proud to be a charter partner of the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA), providing financial and promotional support and offering all active and retired UWUA members a complimentary USA membership. Join more than 325,000 union members leading the way to preserve North America’s outdoor heritage.