For press inquiries, please reach out to Communications Director Erin Bzymek at or 202-702-9655.

2020: Year of Resilience

The coronavirus, unprecedented wildfires, record-breaking hurricanes, and the protests for racial equality and justice, all converged to make 2020 a year of transformative change. Through it all, UWUA members proved their resilience by confronting head-on each of these challenges to ensure life sustaining water, gas, and electricity is delivered safely and as equitably as possible,…

POLITICAL ACTION – Forward to 2021!

As we move into the holiday season and look back on one of the most eventful years in modern memory, there is much upon which to reflect — and many changes coming down the road ahead. With President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris moving full steam ahead with the work of transitioning control…


Cleveland Water Workers Ink 3-Yr. Deal The 58 members of Ohio Local 270 working at Cleveland Water recently ratified a new three-year contract with the city that includes annual raises, increases in clothing and tool allowances, improvements in pay for North American Technician Excellence (NATE) certifications, increased life insurance, and more. Significantly, the contract, which…


This year has been one of the toughest years for us as individuals, as an organization, and as a country. The very fabric of our lives has been torn apart. Through it all, as Utility Workers, we continue to strive to be the best that we can be. We are moving forward, and will emerge…

Vote Joe Biden for President!

The Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) recently endorsed Joe Biden for president, citing the vice president’s pro-worker values, commonsense leadership and decades-spanning career fighting for working families. “Vice President Biden has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to organized labor and the issues our members care about most,” said UWUA President James Slevin. “We’re confident he’ll…

YOUNG WORKERS – Make Your Voice Heard, Vote!

This has been a year of unprecedented challenges for the entire world.  COVID-19 has claimed many lives worldwide, including over 185,000 lives here in the U.S.  It has wreaked irrevocable economic harm on industries, businesses large and small, and caused families to fall into financial and emotional despair. Adding insult to injury, this once in…


The economic and mental health challenges our veterans face due to this pandemic are distressing, particularly for those leaving military service and entering civilian life. There’s a lot that keeps me up at night worrying about these individuals, but there are also reasons to be hopeful. The 24th graduating class of the Utility Workers Military…

HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE – Stand Against Racism!

When I watched the funeral services of George Floyd, a gentleman, a Black man who lost his life under the knee of a police officer, and listened to the speakers’ words of comfort and remorse to the family, I could not help but reflect on my own life’s experiences as a child growing up in…

SAFETY CORNER – Virtual Tailgate Talk a Success

Members of the UWUA National Safety Committee, led by Safety Director Scotty MacNeill, held the first-ever online Tailgate Talk, September 2. Livestreamed on Facebook, Safety Committee members spoke about why safety factors into every decision they make on the job. Panelists also answered questions about staying safe at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pictured: National…