Those interested in scheduling a training session should call the UWUA National office at (202) 899-2851.


Programs can be offered at any day and time you choose (Including evenings and Saturdays).

Number of Participants

There are no minimum participant requirements, but there is a maximum limit of 30 participants for each session.


There is no cost for the program or presentations.


All programs are presented by professional labor educators or UWUA staff.

Length of Program

Program length varies depending on the needs of the local union. In general, 1.5 hour sessions are suggested. Sessions can be longer. We will spend as much time with you as you feel is needed.


Union Awareness/Union 101

This program is designed to introduce new members to the union. Content includes: Review of the mission/purpose of unions, our rich history, the challenges facing unions today, opportunities for member involvement, and the need to put “U” in the union.

Member Mobilization

A strategic approach to engaging more members within the union. Participants will develop a workplace strategy for improved communication and a better understanding of the complex issues our union deals with.

Collective Bargaining I

Review and discussion of; the legal framework in which bargaining occurs, the development of demands, creating and using effective surveys, building membership and community support, the roles of the committee, and table tips for conducting bargaining.

Collective Bargaining II

More experienced bargainers review and discuss: How to research the employer, costing of proposals, strategies to avoid reaching impasse, identifying potential points of leverage, elements of a contract campaign.

Contract Costing

Participants learn how to cost wages, health insurance, time off, and worksite improvements. A specialized spreadsheet is developed for your specific situation.

The Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities of Stewards

The steward is a negotiator, grievance handler, educator, and most importantly a LEADER. The concepts of leadership, the legal rights of stewards, and the role of the steward within the union are examined.

Grievance Handling

Identifying a complaint vs. a grievance, effective investigation of grievances, how to write the grievance, and most importantly discussion on techniques to promptly resolve grievances. In addition, we review the principles mandated by the “Duty of Fair Representation.”

Effective Meetings and Presentations

The need to make the best use of our time and to conduct effective meetings is the primary focus of this course. Creating an efficient agenda, developing a climate that encourages sharing, building of consensus around problem solving, and Democratizing our union!

Parliamentary Procedure

An introductory course in Parliamentary Procedure. Utilizing the principles of “Roberts Rules of Order” topics reviewed include: The basics, the process of a motion, subsidiary motions, privileged motions, incidental motions, motions to bring a question, quorum, speaking and debate, the making of democratic decisions.

Strategic Planning

“A goal without a plan, is just a wish”. Our employers and political adversaries engage in strategic planning, why don’t we? The course focuses on the elements of strategic planning: Defining our mission, SWOT analysis of where we are today, setting SMART goals, defining objectives that support goals, developing a strategy to achieve our goals, and holding ourselves accountable.

OSHA Recordkeeping Training

The objective of this training is to provide an in-depth discussion of OSHA’s recordkeeping rule. This training is intended for audiences that require a thorough understanding of the regulation. At the end of the training session, participants should be able to explain the requirements of the regulation.

The Duty of Fair Representation

Legal issues related to the union’s duty of fair representation, as well as best practices to avoid DFR charges and the best method for defending DFR litigation.

Labor Law 101

The basics of labor law, including overviews of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), state public employee relations laws, and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).

Right to Work

This course provides a history of right to work, its effect on workers, the legal ramifications, and ways to minimize its impact. This course is especially useful for public sector unions that are now right to work as a result of the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.

New Officer Training

This course is aimed at new UWUA local officers and includes discussions of basic labor law, grievance handling, the duty of fair representation, and the rights and responsibilities of union representatives.

Prosecuting and Defending Unfair Labor Practice Charges

This course discusses unfair labor practices under the NLRA, so it is for unions representing members in the private sector. The training will provide an overview of the NLRA and the process for filing, prosecuting, and defending ULPs.

Communications and Social Media Training

This course offers general guidance and best practices for online engagement including websites, social media platforms, and engaging with members of the media.

NOTE: All safety training will include all COVID-19 updated guidance and standards from the CDC, NIOSH, OSHA, and CSB.

Those interested in scheduling a training session should call the UWUA National office at (202) 899-2851.