Mike Coleman
Michael Coleman was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He became a member of Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local G-555 (formerly SEIU Local 555) in 1990. He started his career in the gas industry employed by Dominion East Ohio Gas, working predominantly as a field meter service representative.
In 1995, Michael started 20 years of service on the Local G-555 executive committee after holding elected positions of shop steward and Cleveland district treasurer. In 2002, Michael was elected vice-president, and in 2006 became the executive president of the local. In 2007, he was elected to the UWUA executive board.
Michael Coleman served as councilman for the City of Willoughby Hills, Ohio from 2000-2004. His various duties included chairman of the Finance and Service Committees. He also served as an elected precinct committeeman for Lake County, Ohio, and is a 2002 graduate of the Leadership Lake County program in Ohio having served as the sole labor representative.
In 2003, as the local union’s representative, Michael proudly witnessed the vote to affiliate with the UWUA.
Michael was elected UWUA National Secretary-Treasurer at the December 2014 meeting of the UWUA executive board and took office on January 1, 2015. Michael was subsequently re-elected at the 2015 National Convention. Shortly after his election, Secretary-Treasurer Coleman moved the UWUA National Office to 1300 L St NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC. Michael was re-elected in 2019 at the 31st UWUA National Convention.
Duties of the National Secretary-Treasurer
- Section 1-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall act as the Financial Officer and Executive Secretary of the National Union. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall cause to be recorded the proceedings of all National Conventions all sessions of the National Executive Board and all sessions of the National Executive Committee. He/she shall have charge of and preserve all books, documents, and effects of the National Office.
- Section 2-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall make the necessary arrangements for the maintenance of financial books and records, the receipt of all funds due the National Union, and shall deposit all such funds in the name of the National Union in depositories approved by the National Executive Board. He/she shall invest all such funds as may be deemed by the National Executive Board to be in excess of current needs in such securities as the National Executive Board may decide.
- Section 3-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall pay all bills and current expenses unless otherwise ordered by the National Executive Board or its Executive Committee. He/she shall keep copies of all important correspondence sent out and received by his/her office.
- Section 4-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall give a bond of at least $10,000 to insure the faithful discharge of his/her duties. The National Executive Board shall approve said bond. The cost of the bond shall be paid out of the funds of the National Union.
- Section 5-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall have the authority to employ such help as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the affairs of his/her office. Such help employed by the National Secretary-Treasurer shall be paid in accordance with the prevailing rates of wages for the duties performed and shall be responsible to him/her for the rightful performance of their duties.
- Section 6-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall perform such other duties as pertain to his/her office or may be assigned him/her by the National Executive Board or its Executive Committee.
- Section 7-E. He/she shall have charge of the seal of the National Union and shall affix it to all official documents.
- Section 8-E. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall devote full time to his/her office, and between National Conventions and sessions of the National Executive Board he/she shall report his/her acts to the Executive Committee of the Board.
- Section 9-E. He/she shall submit a Certified Public Accountant’s Financial Report to the Executive Board yearly.
- Section 10-E. In the event of any delinquency on the part of any local union in paying its per capita, it shall be his/her duty to give to the local union involved notice of such delinquency and demand that the fault be remedied. He/she shall have the power to examine or to order an examination of the books of account of any affiliated local union. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall require all national, regional, and local union officers handling funds to be bonded by an accredited surety company.