Executive Officers

Our union is a democracy. From forming new bargaining units, to electing officers, UWUA is built and governed by collective action and member participation. Officers are elected and installed at each regular National Convention and serve terms of four years. By constitutional resolution, nominees must have been employed in the industries we represent.

James Slevin

National President

Patrick Dillon

National Executive Vice President

Craig Pinkham

National Vice President

Mike Coleman

National Secretary-Treasurer

Regional Executive Board Members

Our executive board consists of the president, the executive vice president, the vice president, the secretary-treasurer, and 20 executive elected board members. Board members are charged with executing the instructions of the National Convention, and have the responsibility and power to direct the workings of the organization and to formulate policy affecting the good and welfare of the union.

Frank Morales

Region I National Executive Board Member

Travis Beck

Region II National Executive Board Member

Steve Kowolonek

Region III National Executive Board Member

Craig Wright

Region IV National Executive Board Member

Belinda Moreno

Region V National Executive Board Member

National Executive Board Members-At-Large

John Arnett

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Allan J. Bathon

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Noel Christmas

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Tom Cole

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Craig Connolly

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Timothy Cox

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Chris Ericksen

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Sean Gaurige

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Eddie Hall

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Keith Holmes

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Daniel Leary

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Thomas Martin

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Joe Moreno

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Juanita Ray

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Ryan Shea

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

James Shillitto

National Executive Board Members-At-Large

William Smith

National Executive Board Member-At-Large

Darryl Taylor

National Executive Board Member-At-Large, Human Rights Committee Chair

National Staff

Our staff bargain the strongest and most robust contracts in the industry, educate and train our members, and offer expert legal advice. With staff representatives assigned to serve every local and subject-matter experts available who can offer guidance on policy advocacy, bringing new members into the union and leading effective campaigns, we are here to fight for you.

Greg Adams

National Rep., Region III

Lee Anderson

Director of Governmental Affairs
Deirdre Brill Headshot

Deirdre Brill

Organizing Director

Mark Brooks

Special Counsel to the President

Erin Bzymek

Director of Communications

Richard Cossell

Sr. National Rep., Region II

Angelica Crosby

Administrative Assistant

Reggie Davis

Sr. National Rep., Region I

Shawn Garvey

Sr. National Rep., Region I

James Gennett

Sr. National Rep., Region IV

James Harrison

Director of Renewable Energy

Robert Houser

Sr. National Rep., Region V

Daniel Hurley

Sr. National Rep., Region I

Valerie King

Sr. National Rep., Region V

John “Scotty” MacNeill

Safety Director

Frank Meznarich

Sr. National Rep., Region III

Stacy Paulo

Executive Administrator of the National Office

David Radtke

General Counsel

Joseph Swenglish

Sr. National Rep., Region II

Erin Wald

Executive Administrative Assistant

Les Wutka

Senior National Rep.