Veterans Committee members: (top row, left to right) Chris Ericksen, Jon Blevins, Jason Whitlock; (bottom row, left to right) Darryl Taylor, Rick Passarelli, Jon Deboe, Craig Romanovich

The UWUA counts many veterans among its membership and we work hard to respond to the unique needs of this population. This committee works to recruit veterans into utility sector careers and also advocates for causes our veteran members feel passionately about. Most recently, the Veterans Committee supported the successful effort to pass legislation expanding VA benefits to veterans who were potentially exposed to toxic fumes caused by burning trash pits on military bases.

For more information about Veterans Committee initiatives or how to join, reach out Veterans Committee Chair Chris Ericksen.


Region 1Darryl TaylorLocal 1-2darryl.taylor@uwua1-2.orgUS Army
Region 1Jean WashingtonLocal 1-2jean.washington@uwua1-2.orgUS Army
Region 1Sean ToolanLocal 365toolan524@yahoo.comUS Marine Corp
Region 2Craig RomanovichLocal 433craig.romanovich@alcosan.orgUS Army
Region 3Chris Ericksen, Committee ChairLocal 270ceericksen@gmail.comUS Navy
Region 4Jon DeboeLocal 105deboe1324@yahoo.comUS Army
Region 5Tony DuranLocal 132tonyduran@uwua132.orgUS Army
Region 5Crystal FloresLocal 132florescrystal35@hotmail.comUS Army