For press inquiries, please reach out to Communications Director Erin Bzymek at or 202-702-9655.

Staff Changes Position National for the Future

In order to best represent its members, the UWUA is always looking to maximize the power and potential of its officers and staff. The appointment of National Executive Board member Dan Hurley to the position of Region I senior national representative and moving Bob Mahoney to director of Special Projects will do just that — position the UWUA to take advantage of opportunities in the…

President’s Message, Summer 2016

On November 8, Americans will vote to decide who will be the next president of the United States. This will be one of the most important elections in our nation’s history. Why? It is likely the next president will appoint up to four Supreme Court justices. This will determine the tenor of the court decisions…

Vote November 8th!

Many voters are angry, and want change. They’re not wrong, but that doesn’t really answer the question: What are the choices this election day? Donald Trump presents himself as a successful businessman, but his record is anything but clear cut. He likes to pose as the man who shares the anger of people who work…

Chicago Call Center Workers Ink 1st Contract

On September 11, eighty-eight call center workers represented by Local 18007 at Peoples Gas in Chicago, Illinois began enjoying the benefits of their first union contract. This followed their overwhelming 90% plus majority ratification vote for the contract in late August. Local 18007’s call center bargaining team celebrates their first contract. “I am extremely proud…

Repairing America’s Gas Infrastructure

The need to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure is a hot topic this election year. Everyone realizes something must be done. As a leading voice in the national dialogue about investing in infrastructure in the utility industry, UWUA President Mike Langford is successfully spearheading efforts on Capitol Hill and in State Houses to draw attention to…

Get Involved Through UWUA Social Media

While calling on the nation’s leaders to invest in both our energy and human infrastructure, UWUA members are repowering the union by engaging social media tools, consisting of a grid that connects the National Union, locals, individual members, and the public. Leading the effort is a social impact agency called m. that works with labor unions to get…

Workforce Changes Bring Organizing Opportunities in the Utility Industry

The utility industry is in the midst of upheaval. A new report by the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO examined the impact the upheaval had on the utility industry from 2003 to 2015 and identified potential organizing opportunities. The report found that industry changes affected all aspects of the industry, including utility companies, the workforce,…

Know Your Weingarten Rights

The right of employees to have union representation at investigatory interviews was announced by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 1975 case (NLRB vs. Weingarten, Inc.). These rights are known as the Weingarten rights. Employees have Weingarten rights only during investigative interviews. An investigative interview occurs when a supervisor questions an employee to obtain information…

Obama Labor Appointees Deliver

 DOL/NLRB decisions help workers For instance, the US Department of Labor under President Obama has taken strong action to expand overtime rights, improve safety rules, require union busters to report their activities, increase the minimum wage for federal contractor employees, crack down on employers that misclassify employees as independent contractors, and expand and improve support for union-sponsored apprenticeship…