For press inquiries, please reach out to Communications Director Erin Bzymek at or 202-702-9655.

Two More Organizing Wins for Water Workers

Two More Organizing Wins for Water Workers The UWUA continues to build on a string of organizing victories bringing the benefits of a union contract to more and more water workers. Welcome Belmont County, OH Sanitary Sewer District members On August 25, the decision by Belmont County Sanitary Sewer District employees to join the UWUA…

Executive Vice President’s Report, Spring 2017

Doing Our Part for Safety On the job injuries, illnesses and deaths go largely unnoticed, except to the victim, and those family members and co-workers who are directly impacted. Each day, 13 people are killed on the job because of hazardous working conditions. They leave their home, go to work and don’t go home to…

Safety Training Saves Lives, Builds Careers

To continue to be the safest, most productive, highest skilled workers in the world the union is growing its training capacity with more employers choosing to participate in the Power for America (P4A) Training Trust. In addition, with a proven track record, the UWUA and its members are central players in training with a number…

Fighting to Keep Coal Plants Open

Local 175 and the National Union are fighting to keep two coal-fired power plants open in southern Ohio’s Adams County. Owned by Dayton Power & Light, the Stuart Station and Killen Station plants provide 3000MW of coal fired generation and employ 353 UWUA members. Both facilities meet all environmental emission standards and have no compliance…

Will Trump’s Supreme Court and NLRB be Pro-Worker?

When Donald Trump was inaugurated President, one of the most important items on his agenda was nominating a person for the open seat on the United States Supreme Court. Although the Supreme Court often receives media attention for hot button issues, such as abortion rights and death penalty cases, less attention is focused on the…

2017 Labor Education Initiative Takes Off

Following through with their commitment to providing local union officers and members the support needed to best represent UWUA members, President Mike Langford and the National Executive Board are hosting Labor Education Initiative sessions in each of the union’s five regions this year. These “Mini” Regional Education Conferences are focused on labor education and two-way…

UWUA News Roundup

Local 609 Continues Its Growth and Winning Ways Contract victories, newly organized members, and successful grievance settlements mark Local 609’s recent victories for its members who do everything from meter work to constructing and servicing gas distribution systems for different utilities around the country. The local’s accomplishments include: • Welcoming Grid One Solutions in Pennsylvania…

President’s Message — The UWUA: A Beacon of Hope

Never have I been more proud of the work our members and our union are doing. We are advancing the goals of working people striving to build a better future for their children, grandchildren and generations to come. In our daily lives we may sometimes feel like we’re doing everything we can possibly do just…

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report, Winter 2017

What is the value of a union? We, as union members, tend to think wage increases and working conditions are the only reasons for our union. We tend to forget there are many more important aspects of our union than wage increases and working conditions, such as negotiated contracts for medical benefits, paid time off,…