UWUA Speaks in Support of House USE IT Act

[…] Opinion: Energy – The FUTURE of Wyoming, Sweetwater NOW, Chauffe Schirmer, Financial Secretary, UWUA Local 175 https://www.sweetwaternow.com/opinionenergyfuturewyoming/ Direct Air Capture, a Carbon180 Fact Sheet, Carbon180, 2019 https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b9362d89d5abb8c51d474f8/t/5c5bc23b419202c2a4d1a8f6/1549517373480/DAC+Fact+Sheet+2019_final_web. pdf   ### Chartered in 1945, the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), AFLCIO represents 50,000 active members employed in America’s utility sectors including the electric, gas, […]

Dues and Per Capita Information

[…] Fraternally, Michael Coleman, National SecretaryTreasurer Utility Workers Union of America, AFLCIO cc: All Local Union and Council Presidents UWUA National Officers, Executive Board, and Staff Download a pdf copy of this letter View Per Capita Form Enclosures: Article VI, Section 1 and 1a 2024 Per Capita Form Attachment “A” Attachment “B” Local Officer Notification […]

UWUA Constitution

The Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), AFLCIO is an organization of members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and by an understanding of the necessity and value of the services we provide to the public for their health and wellbeing.


[…] or catalog build. Products made in the USA are noted. Other items, though not USA made, are decorated in the USA by union labor. Contact Custom Embroidery Plus directly for all questions and orders: Phone #: 9892279338 Email: cgartside@ceplusonline.com A PDF catalog of all UWUA gear including full color and sizing options is available here.

How It’s Done: Spotlight On Natural Gas Distribution

[…] drilling. It travels through pipelines to processing plants where impurities like water, sulfur, and carbon dioxide are removed, ensuring safety and purity. From there, it enters high -pressure transmission pipelines, spanning vast distances. These pipelines are essential for delivering gas to regional distribution centers. At these centers, the gas pressure is reduced, making it […]