The Power of Local Union Political Engagement

As I travel across the country meeting with UWUA locals, one truth becomes increasingly clear: our members’ livelihoods depend on our active engagement in the political process. The ongoing energy transition discussions happening in statehouses and city councils nationwide demonstrate why local union political involvement isn’t just important — it’s essential.

Take Connecticut, where Local 470-1 has built a powerful coalition of utility labor unions, including UWUA, IBEW, and Steelworkers. By speaking with one voice, they’ve ensured workers’ perspectives are heard in energy discussions. Their “all of the above” approach — engaging with companies, legislators, and the media — demonstrates how comprehensive political engagement can protect both jobs and energy reliability. Without their involvement, workers could easily be sidelined in the energy conversation.

In Illinois, Local 18007’s experience defeating Chicago’s attempt to ban gas in new buildings and its ongoing fight to lift a hold on a critical pipeline replacement program show the real consequences of inaction. Through direct intervention in regulatory proceedings and coalition-building, they’re pushing back against hasty policy changes that could compromise not only members’ jobs but the city’s energy security. It’s a reminder that if we don’t act, critical infrastructure projects can be delayed or blocked—leaving workers and consumers at risk.

I’ve seen firsthand in Massachusetts how building strong political relationships pays dividends. As a member of the Governor’s Energy Transformation Advisory Board alongside Local 369 President Dan Leary, I’ve witnessed how our union’s expertise is now actively sought on energy transition matters. This didn’t happen by accident — it resulted from years of consistent engagement and coalition-building with legislators, utilities, and fellow unions. But relationships require maintenance. We can’t assume they’ll remain strong without sustained effort.

Philadelphia’s Local 686 demonstrates the importance of getting ahead of policy changes. By participating in studies exploring low-carbon pathways for Philadelphia Gas Works, they’re helping shape transition plans that protect both workers and customers. Their proactive approach ensures labor’s voice is heard from the beginning, not as an afterthought. This foresight is essential to shaping policies that reflect the needs of working families and not just the interests of corporate stakeholders.

In Maine, Local 341 shows how effective testimony and advocacy can highlight practical concerns about electrification mandates, especially in regions with harsh winters. Their focus on modernizing existing infrastructure while protecting consumer choice offers a realistic path forward that doesn’t sacrifice jobs or reliability. These efforts remind us that solutions should be grounded in the realities faced by workers and consumers, not just idealized policy goals.

Local 1-2 in New York provides a powerful example of why we must remain vigilant. Their successful opposition to legislation that would have shifted gas connection costs to consumers — effectively threatening both jobs and energy affordability — shows how active political engagement can prevent harmful policies from becoming law. It’s a crucial reminder that without constant vigilance, policies can pass that directly harm both our members and the communities we serve.

These experiences across our locals demonstrate that political engagement isn’t optional — it’s a core union function. When we build coalitions, testify at hearings, meet with legislators, and speak out in the media, we protect not just our members’ jobs but also the communities they serve. The energy transition will continue to present challenges, but by staying politically engaged at every level, we ensure that workers’ voices shape the policies that affect their lives.

Our locals’ experiences also underscore a crucial point: effective political engagement requires sustained effort and multiple approaches. We must build relationships before we need them, participate in policy discussions from the start, and be ready to mobilize quickly when threats emerge. Whether it’s regulatory proceedings, legislative hearings, or public education campaigns, every avenue of engagement matters. Political engagement isn’t just a reaction — it’s a proactive strategy to protect our future.

As pressure mounts to transition away from natural gas and other fossil fuels, political engagement from our locals will be more crucial than ever. The way this clean energy transition unfolds — and whether it safeguards workers while ensuring reliable, affordable energy — depends largely on our active involvement. If we don’t remain engaged, we risk seeing policies made that ignore our members’ livelihoods and energy security.

The message from our locals is clear: when we build coalitions, we multiply our influence. When we speak with one voice, policymakers listen. When we engage politically, we can make a real difference for our members and our communities. That’s why I encourage every local to strengthen their political engagement efforts. Our future depends on it.