Local 107 Celebrates 25 Years, $100k in Donations Given through Annual Memorial Golf Outing

In 1998, Local 107 lost Paul Luna in a workplace accident. The next year, coworkers launched the Luna Open golf outing to support his wife and children. It quickly became an annual tradition.

In 2007, tragedy struck again with the passing of Jamie Rus, another Local 107 member, leaving behind his wife Chris and three daughters. The event was renamed the 107 Memorial Golf Outing, shifting its focus to supporting the Rus family.

Since its inception, the outing has raised over $100,000, including $6,000 this year. Open to everyone, the event sees strong participation from UWUA members, with 24 foursomes this year. It concludes with a meal and raffle, fostering community and solidarity.

Local 107 continues to raise funds to support Hannah Rus, who has special needs and lives with her mother. The local has also provided additional support, such as when a group of linemen worked with a roofer to replace the roof on Chris Rus’s house.

For 25 years, Local 107 has upheld its commitment to these families, living by the motto “Never Forget.” This spirit of solidarity has been kept alive by retired Local 107 Vice President Geno Alfaro and his wife Donna, who have led the effort with dedication for over twenty years, ensuring that Local 107 remains true to its mission of looking out for its own.

Photo caption: UWUA Executive Vice President Pat Dillon (center) was on hand for the 2024 event on July 20, where Geno and Donna Alfaro were recognized for their tireless leadership.