The formation of the National Safety Committee last year has elevated the work of the National Union in advocating for, and delivering, safer workplaces in every industry where UWUA members are employed. New committee representatives are picking up the baton in 2020. They join existing committee members Jim Davis, Local G-555; Cliff Deem, Local 425; Jesse Gil, Local 686; Brian Hannon, Local 369; Dale Heineman, Local 433; Leroy Huckleberry, Local 223; Mercurio Moore, Local 132; John Talarico, Local 132; Kevin Uraine, Local 283; Vincent Vales, Local 1-2; and Dean Wymer, Local 335. They will be running workshops at this year’s regional conferences and scheduling visits to local unions nationwide.
For more safety resources and updates, visit
Mark Wineman
Local 102-D
I have 34 years with West Penn Power, 32 as a lineman, and two as a safety observer. |
William Breton
Local 257
By trade I am a gasline worker in distribution. I started with my company in 2011; I got active in the union right away. In 2013, I became a gas steward and later the recording secretary with Local 106. By 2015, I was elected President of Local 257 and started getting involved in our union safety initiatives. In 2017, I started training to become a trainer in HP (human performance), became an SOS (systems of safety) trainer, got my CUSP (certified utility safety person) and I accepted the role as union safety rep., gas operations. |
Jack Tornabene
Local 18007
I have worked for eight years with Local 18007 as a utility worker. Over this period of time the safety of our members has become a passion of mine. I facilitate our safety efforts with our peer-on-peer safety team, “PEACE.” I am also an OSHA Outreach Training Program Trainer for construction. |
Ben McCrumb
Local 123
I am an electric Union Safety Rep. from the Michigan State Utility Workers Council. I am a Journeyman Lineman from Local 123 in Lansing, Michigan. I have worked in the utility industry for 14 years, and have been involved in safety for my entire career. I started out on a meter reading grassroots safety team and have worked my way up to where I am currently at today. I am honored to be a part of the National Safety Committee and look forward to serving our membership. |
Victor Villalba
Local 1-2
I started working as a commercial/industrial electrician in 2002, and then in 2009 became a technician in the gas corrosion department at Con Edison. I got active in UWUA Local 1-2 right away. In 2011, I became a shop steward and started getting involved in our union’s safety initiatives, was the recipient of the Safety Leadership Award in 2015, and, by 2016, I became a systems of safety facilitator. As a member of the gas safety committee, I routinely go on safety rides with our members and ensure that our members have the tools to put their safety first when performing their duties. |
Ronnie Brooks
Local 393
I have been a proud union member for almost 24 years now, working in a variety of departments from construction maintenance to customer service to water treatment. The last 14 years having been dedicated to the electrical department. I am currently on the executive board for my local union, as well as occupying the position as the safety committee representative for 14 years. I am looking forward to working with the National Committee and bringing a safer workplace to all of my union brothers and sisters. |