Solidarity Forever! The Union Makes Us Strong!

Union members across the nation are standing up and fighting back, and the UWUA is on the front lines with them!

When the United Auto Workers’ (UAW) went on strike against General Motors in September, the UWUA was offering support on the picket lines, donating supplies and financial support to UAW’s strike fund.

“We stand in solidarity with thousands of UAW members as they strike against General Motors for a fair contract and to keep good union jobs in the United States,” UWUA President Jim Slevin said in a statement released at the start of the strike. “When GM was in financial trouble, UAW members, retirees and their families sacrificed to make GM profitable again. It is high time that GM’s union workers be repaid at the bargaining table. We are hopeful both sides can quickly come to an agreement that fully recognizes UAW members’ contributions to GM’s success.”

And when the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike in October, Chicago Gas Workers Local 18007 stood in solidarity with the 25,000 teachers who, in turn, stood up for the education, health and well-being of 300,000 public school students.

At that time, Slevin released another statement saying, “We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters from the Chicago Teachers Union. The members of the Utility Workers Union of America support CTU’s efforts to fight for higher wages and more support staff in schools, including nurses, social workers and librarians. We’re with the members of CTU as they strive to provide a better education for Chicago students and families.”  The UAW and CTU members won their battles with the help of UWUA members and tens of thousands of other union supporters nationwide.