Women United: “We Can Do It!”

More than 100 women participated in the bridge building event that connected Local 223 members both internally and with community partners. Participants painted their own Rosie the Riveter portraits.

The Local 223 Women’s Committee organized an historic Rosie the Riveter paint celebration in recognition of Women’s History Month in March. One of Michigan’s original Rosie the Riveters, Helen Kushnir, attended, as well as Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI-12).

More than 100 women participated in the bridge building event that connected Local 223 members both internally and with community partners. Participants painted their own Rosie the Riveter portraits. Throughout the event, the inspirational slogan, “We Can Do It!” and iconic images of strong and fearless, women wearing the signature red bandana were highly visible. The array of portraits created by the women embracing their feminism was an expression of individuality and diversity.

Local 223’s celebration of Women’s History Month with a “Rosie the Riveter” paint party was a huge success. Left to right: Trustee Dave Tingel; Treasurer Juanita Ray; Recording Secretary Allan McKinney; Michigan’s own Rosie the Riveter, Helen Kushnir; Trustee/Women’s Committee Directors Paula Turner, Precious Hough and Valerie Monique Brown (also Recording Secretary, Meter Division).

Local 223’s Community and Solidarity Committee Director Juanita Ray, and the Women’s Committee Directors, Paula Turner, Precious Hough, and Valerie Monique Brown, collaborated to make it a memorable event.

The gathering provided women the opportunity to be creative, while inspiring, empowering, and encouraging sisters to be their best!