Nate Waters – Chair, Human Rights Committee
MLK Commemoration 2019
I had the opportunity to represent the UWUA at the AFL-CIO’s Dr. Martin Luther King birthday conference in Washington, DC in January. From the conference workshops and forums, featuring elected leaders who support working families and their unions, to the March on the Capitol, there was a strong sense of union solidarity.
Every workshop was informative and instructive, teaching and preparing us for the fight to come in the 2020 elections as well as today’s struggles to protect our gains and build a stronger movement for tomorrow.
I had the opportunity to march with strong union men and women from around our nation and the world, each one marching against the government shutdown and the associated pain and suffering of fellow Americans who are government workers. I am proud to be a part of the UWUA and honored to be able to stand for that which is right!

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King states, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Brothers and sisters, it’s time to take a stand for right and prepare for the challenges to come. In the words of Dr. King, “We shall overcome.”