Local 393 Puts Safety First
I would like to commend Local 393 for its victory in getting the New York State Department of Labor and the Division of Public Employees Safety and Health to conduct inspections of various Suffolk County Water Authority pump stations on Long Island, NY. This resulted in the Water Authority creating and implementing Standard Operating Guides (SOGs) for reclassifying pipe galleys and underground vaults defined as “permit-required confined spaces.”

All below grade spaces must now be meter tested and re-classified prior to entering for any reason.
Local 393 President and National Executive Board Member Nick Caracappa and his team of Vice President Lou deGonzague, Secretary Treasurer Barbara Yatauro, Secretary Rose Tullo, Executive Board Members, Oscar Montalvo, Michael Walls, Lou Infantino and Donald Blumberg have shown what can be done when you stand together and fight for your members putting safety at the forefront.

(Top) Local 393 Members: Utility Worker Kevin Glynn, Utility Worker Roger Healy, Senior General Mechanic Bobby Miller, General A Mechanic Billy Hurski, National Safety Director Scotty MacNeill, and Utility Worker Don Guido.
(SAFETY CORNER – Scotty MacNeill • John.macneill@uwua.net