JD started a family tradition when, at the age of 18, he followed in his father’s footsteps and became a lineman working out of IBEW Local 1319. After an extended time there, JD, who had already married his high school sweat heart, Jen George, found a new job with the Borough of Ellwood City, PA, where he would continue to do line work and could better start his family.
After 10 years at the Borough, JD took another job in the line industry, this time with Penn Power, a First Energy Company. This job gave JD the opportunity to become a member of UWUA Local 140. JD loved his job as a troubleshooter, he had a solid work ethic and went above and beyond when customers needed him the most. JD spent many holidays in the field troubleshooting and restoring power to those in need. He was a selfless person who always put others before himself.
JD not only was a solid performer on the job, he was an outstanding husband, father, and uncle. JD loved spending time with his family, especially with his daughter Jamie. To his nieces and nephews, JD was like a father, sometimes talking on the phone on a daily basis. JD enjoyed taking trips to Pymatuning State Park, where he was successful at fishing for walleye off of his pontoon boat with his family. Not only did JD fish, he was a successful deer hunter as well. JD was an avid guitar collector who taught himself to play.
His favorite quote was, “If something is worth doing, then it’s worth doing it well.” JD lived by his words and those who knew him would agree that he always gave his all. As rough and tough as JD was, he loved his dogs. On one occasion he surprised his wife Jen and daughter Jamie by bringing home a new puppy. JD liked the Maltese breed, a small dog that JD would carry on his side sling when mowing the lawn and doing other tasks around the house.
On April 30, 2017, we lost our beloved brother when the F-550 bucket truck in which he was working aloft tipped over, causing fatal injures.
Many of our utility vehicles are equipped with the Altec bucket system. Employers are responsible for placing the manufacturer’s warning signage on the boom. It is imperative that everyone operating this equipment read and follow ALL MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS AND FOLLOW THE ANSI/SIA 92.2 STANDARD. All vehicles that are fitted with the Altec equipment must have the owners operating manual available and every operator must read and understand the proper operating procedures for this equipment.
Health & Safety Standards are Under Attack
President Trump’s FY 2018 budget proposes major cuts to worker safety and health. It eliminates workers’ health and safety training and chemical accident investigations, and slashes funding for workplace safety research, putting workers at greater risk of dying on the job.
If the budget is passed as is, it will affect the safety and health of our membership. When the government cuts funding, or changes or eliminates safety regulations in the name of helping business, they neglect to say how these changes will affect the health and safety of workers. We have fought hard to get safety standards put into place. To change or remove them in the name of commerce is a crime.
John “Scotty” MacNeill
UWUA National Safety Director