Young Workers
We created the Young Workers Initiative Committee (YWIC) to engage and activate our younger members. YWIC members have opportunities to participate in every level and every day of the convention. This is of primary import to the future of our union and the future of the labor movement in our country.
Women’s Caucus
This convention will include our first women’s caucus. Our goal is to develop a road map to address issues that impact women in our industry, encourage women to become active as members and officers, and engage women in some of the nontraditional jobs that are available.
Utility Worker Hero
New at this year’s convention is the 2015 Utility Worker Heroes Recognition. We know there are utility workers who have performed heroic acts during their workdays, and we would like to honor them. A 2015 Utility Worker National Hero will be chosen and invited to attend the convention as a guest of the UWUA.
Retired Members
Workers may retire from their jobs, but they need never retire from the union! Each local union will be encouraged to dedicate resources to develop active retiree chapters. The chapters become an extension of the local union and continue to be vital resources in our fight for justice.
We are rolling out a new Utility Worker App for smartphone users at the Convention. This App will not replace the one-on-one talking, the face-to-face dialogue that is so important to our survival. It will provide us with an additional, effective communication platform to engage our members.